Thursday, March 26, 2009

Woot OFF!!!

Oh mi gosh, Oh mi gosh, Oh mi's a woot off!!! Go to NOW. A new product is posted right after the previous one sells out. I am not going to bed tonight...I need to see all the woots! Oh mi gosh!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Quick Blog

My cat wants me dead...I fear for my life. After work I fell asleep on the couch and was just awakened by his Talons De La Muerte in my chest...he may have won the battle, but I am the one that gives the fatty his food, we'll see who wins the war.



Tuesday, March 24, 2009

It's a love hate thing

Logan that is.

I love Logan for the easy commutes, the small town feeling, the feeling of safety the community exudes.

I look forward to the Saturday morning Farmers Market where locals walk their dogs to the park to buy produce and crafty things people have brought to sell. Last year I found out about the Gallery Walk. This event is held on Main Street in the Spring and local artists display their works in the little shops on Main. Some stores have refreshments and live music playing to entice you into their store. Last Spring it was held on the perfect Saturday evening, the city felt so alive and full of energy.

My favorite summer festival is the Cruise In. It is one of the biggest car shows West of the Mississippi. Hundreds of restored cars are displayed on the fair grounds. It is always held on the Fourth of July weekend and it is HOT. Every year I say I wont get fried crispy by the sun, but every year I get scorched. The best part of the Cruise In is the raffle. Each year they give away a fully restored car. One year it was a Nova, one year a Camaro, and they had an old Ford truck a few years ago. After the raffle everyone races to their spot on Main Street to watch as the cars that were at the fairgrounds are driven up and down Main Street in the best parade ever. People bring out trailers with couches to watch the parade from, some bring barbeque's, and I have even seen a few hot tubs loaded with people.

I love that Logan doesn't get to hot in the summer, I love that I can drive 5 minutes and be in the middle of no where....but even while writing this I want to move, because the bad parts are BAD.

The winters are cold and last forever. The Cache Valley is isolated from anything and everything. And the thing I hate most about when you drive to the store in your pajamas to buy shampoo at 1 a.m. and you see no fewer than 6 people you know. Some days you just want to fly under the RADAR, but in Logan those days are few and far between.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Weekend Update

Sorry SNL, that was the only title I could think of.

Friday evening I was at work and began feeling ill. I had been sick a few weeks prior and went to Insta - Care and had yet another bladder infection, but this one had painful consequences. Without getting too graphic, a certain body part was swelling, which is why I went to the doctor so quickly. Generally with a bladder infection I have a sore throat, swollen glands, my skin hurts and I get nauseous, but this time there were no symptoms, except for the swelling.

The doctor at the Insta-Care put me on antibiotics for 2 weeks, gave me some pain killers and I was on my way. It must be said that I am a fanatic about my pills. I take them at the exact same time everyday, I take them exactly how it says to, with water, without food, with dairy, not before operating heavy machinery etc... So imagine my surprise when the swelling came back on Friday. I was frustrated because I can't afford to get sick, I firmly believe that time is money, and anytime spent recuperating is time taken from working, last week I worked more than 70 hours, and was pretty sure I could get that many hours this week as well. I also know how sick I can get if I put off seeing the doctor, so I got home from work, went straight to bed and set my alarm for 7:30am so I could be at the Insta-Care at 8.

I woke up at 2:30am shaking violently. I was shaking so bad the dog and cat jumped off my bed and were staring at me from the floor. This is how I found out that Buddy will never be the hero dog on the news that will dial 9-1-1, nope not Buddy he will just stare at me like I am the idiot, even though he is the one that barks when a doorbell rings on TV. So I tried to calm myself down and tell myself just to sleep it off, I thought maybe I was just cold and got another blanket, I thought if I slept in a different position I could fall asleep, I just wanted to wait until morning. I could not. My back was on fire, my abdomen felt like I was being kicked, my "swollen area" felt like it was being stabbed by knives and I didn't know what to do. I called a few friends, no one woke up, I texted some friends and one texted back.....from Portland, yeah some help she was. Then I decided I needed to be a big boy and drive to the E.R. So I put on my slippers, an old hoodie and some pajama pants and off I hobbled to the car. Buddy thought we were going for a drive and jumped up, and put his paw on my "swollen area." I almost passed out.

When I got the ER the guy at the front counter asks cheerily "How are you today?" To which I replied, oh wait I didn't reply, I was in so much pain I couldn't even talk. I sat down on the floor and gave him my insurance card. Within 30 seconds I am in a wheel chair being pushed to a little white room, within 2 minutes I had an IV in one arm, a bandage on the other because he missed the vein and was answering thousands upon thousands of questions. "Are you allergic to anything?" "What is your address?" "Who is your emergency contact?" and on and on and on. I started to cry. I don't know why, I am not a crier, but I was just sobbing, and I felt bad because I had stinky breath and my hoodie had cat hair on it, and I was wearing slippers that had paint on them and I felt like I was bothering the nurses by asking them for blankets, I just felt like crap, then I passed out from hyperventilating. It wasn't for very long though, they told me I needed to stop breathing so much, I was trying to do Lamaze, the kind you see on tv, the "He He Hew" kind, FYI, DO NOT DO IT, YOU WILL DIE.

Long story short, I am alive, but am still in pain. THEN as I am going to get my prescription filled at Smith's yesterday, wearing the same clothes I had been wearing for 24 hours, with both arms in bandages, and a medical bracelet on my wrist, I was scammed into buying Girl Scout Cookies. Most people know I have a hard time saying "no" to kids; which is why when I saw that little girl I pulled out my cell phone and pretended to talk on it, but she was not convinced. I was about four feet away from her and we locked eyes, and she said "Sir can you buy some cookies?" WHAT? Are you kidding me? Of course I CAN buy some, but the question is DO I want to buy some. I asked her what kinds there were, and honestly they all sounded gross, normally I would like them, but I was fresh out of the hospital, I was sweaty and smelly and wanted to throw up, so I asked her "What kind is your favorite?" I now own 3 boxes of Thin Mints, not 1 but 3, I know I should have bought a variety but honestly time was a factor and I wasn't in the mood to browse her selection.

So that is my weekend, it was somewhat exciting, but not in the way I liked. Maybe next weekend I can get audited!


Friday, March 13, 2009


I have to add one more website to my previous list.... - This website sends you free samples of Proctor & Gamble products. I am getting a trial sample of heartburn medication, which I will save until I am 50 and will need it, and I am getting free Crest Strips! The catch is you only get one free offer per offer period. This means I wont be able to get my 2-year supply of Prilosec for free. Oh and since they are opening a factory in Tremonton we should buy more P&G products and boycott La-Z-Boy who closed up shop and moved to Mexico.

Oh, and never say "Hey are you working hard, or hardly working?" If you do I will stop respecting you. And if you see someone getting a big drink of water and you say "Hey, save some for the fish!" Expect to be smote right on the spot. Both phrases were said to me today.

That's all.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Websites I check daily. And you should too.

There are a lot of websites I go to daily. Here are my favorites I check daily. - Utah News - Logan News (more like Logan Gossip) - Type in Surplus Sales in the search box and you will see why. - Many people know about this website and for good reason. Everynight at midnight CST, they post a new item at a really good price (sometimes). Sometimes the items they post are crappy or are old technology, like this week they had a 20 piece ratchet set for, I think, $9.99 with $5 shipping, at Wal -Mart it sells for $17, but since it was on Tuesday you get 2 for the price of one. So you get 2 ratchet sets for about $15. The item sucked though, it was to small to really use for big jobs. Anyway at woot they have 1 item each day and if the item sells out before midnight? Well you get to wait till midnight before they post a new item. Sometimes they have "Bags of Crap." The BOC is $3 and it can come with dollar store items or flat screen TV's , that is the fun, you don't know what you will get but the value is always more than the $3 you spend, they always sell out quick, so if you see a BOC BUY IT!!!!!!! I have bought a Bluetooth dongle for $1, a 2 gig MP3 player for $9.99 and something else...but I forget. - This website is similar to woot. They have one sale a day, and at 10:00 MST they post their new item. The good about this website is they have FREE items all the time, all you do is pay for shipping. I have seen USB drives for free with $5 shipping, FREE 10-in-1 card readers and what not....VERY COOL. This website also has a tab for only wireless items, the deals are just as good. They have bluetooth items, wireless headphones and much more. - Scroll to the bottom of the main screen to see the sale item. Again, this website is like woot and 1sale. I have never bought from this website before, because the items are much more expensive, relatively speaking. Today they have an 8.2 mega pixel camera for $69.99 so if I needed a digital camera, this is a good deal.

Anyway I just thought I would give a heads up on all the websites I go to everyday.

Oh, I will also start making this blog a little prettier with pictures and whatnot, but I have to say blogging is a lot of work and I really don't have time right now (I'm lazy) to put up pics and what not.


Sparkles of DEATH

I sleep a lot, A LOT. People ask how I have so much time to sleep, I tell them I have mad time management skills, and yes this is all going somewhere. Because I sleep a lot I find that I save money, how do you spend money while you sleep? Yeah you don't.

I generally get up around 11am, do laundry, clean, eat, try to do homework then go to work at 2pm. (Tues and Thurs I go to school at noon and go into work late.) I get home from work at midnight and try to look at my homework, feed the freeloading animals and usually pass out on the couch at 1am. The animals think I am a human bean bag and spend most of the night trying to get comfortable on me. At about 4am I wake up with animals smothering the life out of me then go to bed.

On days when I feel like being a big spender me and a few coworkers go to Rancharitos....IT WILL ALWAYS BE BETO'S TO ME. While at Beto's a coworker, who broke his collar bone while picking up a bookcase, told me he was training to be a cage fighter. Lucky for him the California Burrito I nearly choked on while laughing didn't kill me. This kid is like 6'3" MAYBE 140lbs, and he wants to be a cage fighter, whatever. My friends though I would be more ridiculous than him as a cage fighter. They said I would be dancing around giggling and my opponent would most likely become my friend and feel bad for putting me in an arm bar. I told them that was insane. But if I do become a cage fighter my name would be "Sparkles." Do you think you could hit a guy named "Sparkles?" And if "Sparkles" just destroyed you physically, wouldn't he also have emotionally damaged you when his friends find out he was beat by a guy named "Sparkles?" Yeah I am going to be Sparkles the cage fighter...or so I thought. My friend Claudia is bilingual, I asked her how to say "Sparkles" in Spanish, I was informed it is Beyontes. I am now BEYONTES DE LA MUERTE! (Sparkles of Death.)

I lied, I have no idea what me sleeping a lot has to do with any of this. Oh and can you believe that when I went to create a google account for this blog the email address was taken? Seriously that is soooo my email address.

That's all.